The Free Trading Journal With MT4 And MT5 Import!
The TradeBuddy 2.0
One Tool - Many Solutions
The TradeBuddy combines intuitive operation with optimal and practice-oriented functionality. The trading journal supports you consistently in the trading process and features a automated MT4 and MT5 import.
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Latest Update 2.1.0
The latest version of the tool features the import of backtesting results. This makes easy portfolio analysis accessible for everyone. With a new indicator you can now extract trades from the strategy tester to then include them into the TradeBuddy.
Check the correlation between different strategies and symbols to learn more about your strategy portfolio. This is a powerful feature that will help you to figure out which strategies complement each other and which do not work together. Watch the video to learn more about the new feature.
Facts about the
Trading Journal
Effective key figure analysis
The TradeBuddy automatically calculates all important key figures. Since the tool was developed especially for cooperation with MetaTrader 4, the key figures are also based on it. Anyone who has ever worked with the MT4's strategy tester will recognize the key figures. So it is very easy to find your way around. In addition to important key figures, such as the profit factor or the hit rate, information on the absolute and percentage drawdown can also be found here.
From now on you never have to count your winning or losing phases yourself again. This trading diary also does that for you. Of course, there is always a division into long and short trades.
The import function for the MT4 and MT5
The heart of the diary is the import function. With the help of an MT4 or MT5 script you can easily export all your trades from the account history and then import them into the diary with one click. You can find brokers that offer the MT5 here.
From now on you never have to manually enter trades again. If we're being completely honest, that's the part that holds us back most from keeping a trading diary. It is so important to know where your trading can still be optimized. So automating a diary definitely makes sense here.
MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 are still the market leaders in the field of trading platforms for CFD and Forex trading. And rightly so! They are stable and have proven themselves over the years. That is why we are very proud to use this tool to create such an important interface and to make everyday life and the evaluation of their own trades easier for several hundred traders. Our goal is to help as many traders as possible.
Graphic evaluations for a quick overview
Of course, it's not just the key figures that are interesting in a diary. A graphical evaluation can also be very helpful and help to improve your own trading. The TradeBuddy lists all trades in a graphic. This makes it very easy to define the major outliers upwards and downwards and to go into the relevant trades in more detail here.
What went particularly well here or where was the problem? You can get to the bottom of these questions with the filter function, among other things. Take a closer look at individual months or filter individual currency pairs or strategies. So you always know exactly which strategy has brought you the performance and which one you would have better omitted.